The Goddess? I hear you say … who or what is that? What and who do we mean by the “Divine Feminine”? Even today, these are terms that are not always familiar to everyone. They are also terms that be misinterpreted. When people are talking about the Goddess, they may be talking about:
· An being Deity that has been worshipped since Palaeolithic times and who is still worshipped and honoured today in various parts of the world. Hindu, for example, is one religion that contains numerous Goddesses.
· An archetype based on various worldly mythologies from which we can identify our own strengths and weaknesses with, whereby in learning lessons portrayed in the myths, we can improve our life and understanding.
· A term to describe the loving, nurturing aspect, ie “Goddess” energy.
· A term to empower women where to the focus is more on improving the self-esteem and body image of women ie “We are all Goddesses”.