Let me bow low before thee, my gracious Goddess,
thou who art magnificent.
Let my prayers to thee rise upon the incense smoke.
thou who art magnificent.
Let my prayers to thee rise upon the incense smoke.
The ancient Goddess is known by many names, and can be found in virtually every culture, religion and spiritual tradition around the world - however in some she has been overlooked and neglected for such a long time.
Although times have changed since greatly since those of our ancestors, the importance and need for the Goddess is still within us. No matter where we go, the Goddess can always be called upon. We just need to re-teach ourselves how to reach Her again.
By identifying the Divine Feminine, we open the path to deeper understanding for all beings, for She is the creator of all life. There are many ways to begin connecting with the ancient Goddess, the Divine Feminine - the following are just a few suggestions:
- Look for a suitable statue of the Goddess/Divine Feminine in New Age or other spiritual shops. Asian grocers often have statues of Kuan Yin. Alternatively photocopy a picture from a book on myths or add a photograph of yourself, your mother (or another female relative) or even another real life woman you find inspiring (ie, Mother Theresa).
- Add a candle that you can light when you talk to the Goddess.
- Leave a small offering or gift for the Goddess such as crystals, flowers, shells, etc.
- Meditate in front of your altar or turn the area into a peaceful retreat.
- Write requests (petitions) to the Goddess on pieces of paper which are then folded and placed in a special bowl or container to be disposed of once achieved.