
Monday, October 13, 2014

New Book: In Her Sacred Name

For a period of 10 years (from 2002 until 2012) I had a regular column in an Australian "spiritual life style" magazine, Insight, which sadly folded in August 2012.  Being a monthly magazine, often I found that I was writing about two favourite topics of mine - mythology and the Goddess.  This resulted in a number of articles being written over the years and subsequent requests (especially when the magzine folded) to collate them together into a book.  For the last 12 months, this is what I have been doing (amongst other things) with the end result being In Her Sacred Name: Writings on the Divine Feminine.

Probably one of the more difficult tasks was to actually decide what articles I wanted to include and once that decision had been made, undertaking the task of virtually re-writing the majority of the articles in order to expand upon the 800 word limit I had been restricted to for the magazine.
This week I found myself in the rather delightful position of uploading the final amended files from the initial proof copy that I received just over a week ago.  The feeling of even holding the proof copy of something that you have been working on for a number of years is almost beyond words - indeed, this was the experience I felt when I received the proof copy of my first book, Dancing the Sacred Wheel.

Ironically, when I was in the finalise stages of collating the articles for In Her Sacred Name, I was invited to contribute towards a seemingly similar book, Naming the Goddess by Moon Books.  This resulted in a rethink of articles to be included in my own book as well as additional essays, especially on developing personal interactions with the Goddess, to be written.  The end result I am more than pleased with.

Pre-order copies of In Her Sacred Name are now being taken with the expected release date to be late October/early November 2014.  If you would like to pre-order your copy (including postage within Australia), this can be done here.  International orders will soon be available through Amazon related sites with a kindle edition available late November 2014.

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