
Friday, April 19, 2013

Last Dark Goddess Workshop - Not to be Missed

Dark Goddess altar
For the last six or so years, around Samhain every year, I have been hosting a rather intensive interactive workshop on the Dark Goddess.  Using ritual, myth and magick, these various workshops take the participant on a journey into the Underworld - a realm that can be rather foreboding for some, yet comforting for others.
Every year a number of Goddesses who fall into the category of being a "Dark Goddess" are specifically chosen.  Some of whom we have worked with over the years have included Persephone (the Greek Queen of the Underworld), Erishkigal (Babylonian Underworld Goddess), Cerridwen (Celtic Keeper of the Cauldron of Mysteries), Baba Yaga (Slavic Initiator), Durga (Hindu Warrior Goddess), Lilith (the Hebraic Shapeshifter), Sekhmet (Egyptian Lioness) and Pele (Hawaiian Volancanic Goddess). 

Oya, Goddess of Storms
The Encountering the Dark Goddess workshop aims at providing the participant with the necessary tools in order to meet and work with the Goddesses chosen for that particular workshop. It is through the use of ritual, myth and magick that we journey into these hidden depths in order to face our shadows, allowing us to open ourselves up in order to be transformed under the protective guidance of the Dark Goddess.

The five Dark Goddesses we will be journeying with during this 2013 workshop come from all cultures and are:
  • the Norse Hel (who determines the fate of all souls that enter her realm);
  • the Hindu ultimate Dark Mother, Kali-Ma;
  • the ancient Babylonian dragon creatrix, Tiamat;
  • the Yorubian Goddesss of storms and the creator of hurricans, Oya;
  • and finally, Hekate, the Goddess of the Threeways, magick and necromany.
To allow me to finalise my first book of the Goddess (hopefully this year), it has been decided that the 2013 Encountering the Dark Goddess workshop, that will be held on Saturday, 4 May 2013, will be the last one to be held in Adelaide.  As such, there are now only a couple of places left.  With registrations closing 26 April 2013 (earlier if fully booked), if you are interested in partaking in this workshop, you will need to register your interest before this date. 

For ease of payment, Paypal is accepted, with details as to how to register being found here

A Dark Goddess
(by "Death", 2004)

She sits atop her onyx throne
This beautiful dark Lady
Revered as a goddess
Few know her truth.

She sits atop her onyx throne
And looks through sapphire eyes
As Corvus caws his greeting,
For my welcome he is entreating.

She sits atop her onyx throne
And to Corvus she bids me enter
An unending tribute I’ve come to pay
Souls of the Fallen, collected this day.

She sits atop her onyx throne
Hand resting on the silver serpent
She greet me with a mournful smile,
Her beauty alone an enchanting style.

As I turn to leave
She calls to me
Taking Death in her soft embrace,
Her face alight with that Angelic grace.

My tribute paid
My damnation stayed
My dark goddess smiling
Her Raven beauty forever driving.
Poem source: Dark Poetry

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