
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Spring has arrived at The Goddess House

Growing over the verandah to the The Goddess House is a beautiful old wisteria (Wisteria sinensis) that, with the help of my partner a number of years ago, we restrung the wire in order to "encourage" it to provide shading from the intensive northerly Summer sun we get here in Adelaide.  Alas, like anything we try to tame from nature, it showed that it had its own will and continued to grow according to that ... and not mine.
With Spring well and truly upon us, the wisteria is bursting into gorgeous lilac coloured flower, and on the breeze, its delicate scent is found.  Little wonder then that wisteria is associated with the element of Air and attracts to it powers of gentleness, inspiration, as well a sacred knowledge and wisdom.

Wisteria is said to aid women who have problems with their femininity and sexuality, as well as being of benefit to men who deny the softer and more feminine part of themselves.  It also relieves fear of intimacy in both men and women, can be used as  an anointing oil for meditation, assist in channelling, and even be of assistance to students and scholars in keeping thoughts organised and focused.

Spring has also brought to the surface the tulips (Tulipa) that I had planted around the nearly established devotional altar.  Tulips are believed to safeguard against poverty and desperation.
The devotional altar is primarily a place where offerings that are presented during the monly services that are held at The Goddess House are placed - these include candles (which are left to burn out), stones and shells, as well as flowers and fruits that have been used to decorate the altar.
Having only been erected in June 2012, so far a cypress (Cupressaceae) has been planted in honour of Hekate, as well as a number of carpet roses, hollyhocks and a cutting from one of my Angel's Trumpets.  One plant that is not too happy at the moment is the red hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) ithat has been planted on honour of Kali-Ma.  I am hoping that as now the warmer weather is about to arrive, it will start to enjoy its new home.

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