
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Story of Creation - Creating Ritual

In Pelasgian (and later Greek) myth, the Goddess Eurynome danced the world into creation from the dark void of Chaos.  The following is based on that ancient story which has been transformed into a way of calling in the elemental quarters when creating a sacred space.

For those who are not based in the Southern Hemisphere, or who use different placements for the elementals, feel free to adapt.

There can be one main narrator or many depending on how many are taking part.

In the beginning there was darkness.  There was nothingness.  The Goddess was alone in herself.  And she started to dance.
And, as she danced, she came to the East, the place of wind and Air of breath and imagination.  This is the place of new beginnings.
And we light this candle of the East and call upon the Goddess:
Goddess of the East, she who is known as Aurora and Athena, and the powers of Air.
We ask that you bless this circle and all who have gathered here.

And the Goddess danced and danced until she came to the North, the place of Fire and passion.  This is the place where resides the spark of determination that puts all which is desired into action.
And we light this candle of the North and call upon the Goddess:
Goddess of the North, she who is known as Pele and Sekhmet, and the powers of Fire.
We ask that you bless this circle and all who have gathered here.

And once again the Goddess danced and danced until she came to the West, the place of Water and emotion.  This is the place where resides the dreams and unconscious thought.
And we light this candle of the West and call upon the Goddess:
Goddess of the West, she who is known as Yemaya and Tiamat, and the powers of Water.
We ask that you bless this circle and all who have gathered here.

And still the Goddess danced and danced until she came to the South, the place of Earth and foundation.  This is the place where resides the deep knowledge of our ancestors.
And we light this candle of the South and call upon the Goddess:
Goddess of the South, she who is known as Gaia and the Cailleach, and the powers of Earth.
We ask that you bless this circle and all who have gathered here.

A version of the Pelasgian myth can be found here.

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