
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Nearing the end of the Year

With it also being November already, it is hard to believe that the end of the year is only about 10 weeks away.  I am wondering just where the time has gone and what have I done with nearly a whole year's worth.  In reality however, a lot has been happening, especially behind the scenes, even if the result of which is not easily noticed at this stage.

February saw the resumption of devotional services to the Goddess at The Goddess House, something that I am rather passionate about as I personally do not believe that there is enough "giving back" or even a simple "thank you" shown in a lot of spiritual practices.

Every Full Moon we are encouraged to write our petitions, our requests, our needs in order for the Goddess, or whatever Deity we align ourselves with .. however, how often do we actually give of ourselves for the sake of giving ... with no strings attached?  This has proven to be a rather difficult concept for some people to comprehend which is one of the purposes the devotional services were reinstated.

Then coinciding with each devotional service was the healing circle for this was the part of many Goddess Temples of Old, providing the free usage of specific priestesses to the community as a whole in the form of healing.   For me, this was a natural expansion of my own healing work anyway that often takes place behind the scenes - however it was wonderful to be able to share how a seemingly simple technique could react so powerfully.

As the Wheel of Time keeps turning and with the end of the year fast approaching, the November service at The Goddess House (that will take place on 8 November 2011 from 7.30pm) will actually be the last one for this year.  Therefore this service will be an especially wonderful one, even though at the time of writing this blog entry, the theme has yet to be decided.

I do hope to see you there.

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