
Monday, February 27, 2017

Opening at Port Adelaide

I am excited to announced that from the end of March, events will also be held at Port Adelaide as well as the Isian Centre of Metaphysics.  Last month I took possession of the keys to a beautiful upstairs room at Kyle Place (near the corner of Commercial Road and St Vincent Street).  I had hoped that the room would be ready at the start of March, however February saw other commitments taking precedence, resulting in a delay in preparations.

As it stands, I am delighted to advise that the following events will be running from Room 2, 3 Kyle Place, Port Adelaide from the end of March:

30 March - Thursday Evening Meditation Circle
This circle will include deep body relaxation, opening and alignment of chakras (energy centres), and a semi-guided meditation that may include archangels in the angelic realms, crystal devas, totem spirit ancestors, and much more.  Suitable for beginners as well as the more experienced practitioner.
Time: 7.30pm to 8.30pm
Cost: $10 (payment on the night)

5 April - Psychic Development Group
This five week will assist you in learning how to "open up" to your guides, the higher Universal energy or even listening to your higher self (or subconscious) and listen to these often subtle messages that come through.
Time: 7.30pm to 9.30pm
Cost: $150 (bookings to be made through Eventbrite)
Payment must be received by 30 March as there are limited places available.

8 April - Chakra Balancing and Alignment Workshop
This workshop will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need in learning how to balance and activate your chakras so that they function correctly through the use of colour, meditation, crystal and sound.
Time: 10.30am to 4.00pm
Cost: $80 (bookings to be made through Eventbrite)
Payment must be received by 2 April as there are limited places available.

26 May - Sister Moon Circles
These circles are sacred spaces for women that are held once a month on the Friday evening prior to or just after the New Moon.  Together we will awaken our connection to the Divine Self, discover inner peace and personal healing, and empower each other through embracing what it truly means to be a woman in the 21st century.
Time: 7.30pm to 9.30pm
Cost: $20 (bookings to be made through Eventbrite)

Tarot and Oracle card readings will also be available from Port Adelaide on Saturdays and Sundays.  Bookings at this stage are essential.  If you would like to arrange a time, please email Frances.

For more information about any of these events, please visit the Isian Centre of Metaphysics web site.


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