
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Chakra Clearing exercise

Looking after our spiritual bodies is just as important as looking after our physical bodies.  In this article by Madisyn Taylor from Daily Om, she looks at ways of how to cleanse our energy centres, the chakras, in order to gain clarity of the soul.
Just as the spaces we inhabit need to be cleared of clutter,
our energetic fields must also be cleared of the old.
Just as the physical spaces we inhabit require that we clear them periodically of clutter, the energetic fields that are a vital part of our being must also be cleared of old thoughts, energy, and emotions. Clearing your chakras and your aura restores and strengthens your connection to yourself and your divine inner wisdom. Unfettered by energetic baggage masquerading as fear, pain, and self-hatred, your consciousness is once again free to grow.  If you find the thought of clearing your energy fields disconcerting, simply think of it as cleansing the energy that surrounds you and releasing any stagnancy. You may not be able to see the results of your efforts, but you will experience a lightness of being and clarity of mind.
You can begin by sitting or lying down on a comfortable surface. Take a series of deep breaths and allow your soul to connect with Mother Earth and the vast expanse of the Universe. Visualize your first chakra (Muladhara or "root" chakra), situated near the tailbone, and imagine if you will, a valve opening there, much like a faucet. Imagine a cord dropping from your tailbone deep into Mother Earth and let everything that is stagnant within you flow through it. Let go of old energy, inactive thoughts, and anything else that no longer serves you. Ask the earth to accept what you are offering by turning this old energy into light.
Continue to let old energy drain out of you until you feel like you have released all your energetic baggage. When you are done, imagine the valve closing.
Before moving on to clear your next chakra, let vibrant terra cotta light travel upward from the earth and through the cord into your first chakra. Repeat this process with all seven of the body’s chakras.
The second chakra (Svaddisthana or "sacral" chakra) is orange, the third (Manipura or "solar plexus" chakra) is yellow, the fourth (Anahata or "heart"chakra)  is green, the fifth (Vishuddha or "throat") is blue, the sixth (Ajna or "third eye" charka) is indigo and the seventh (Sahasrara or "crown" chakra) is violet. 
Afterward, visualize your crown chakra and draw beautiful, golden-white light from the universe flowing down through the top of your head. Release any worries or fears that you have been holding on to. Draw this light into your aura and enjoy the resultant feeling of peace.
To finish clearing your energy and ensure that you have rid yourself of the last vestiges of clutter, take a bath infused with one cup apple cider vinegar, one cup Epsom salt, and one cup sea salt.
After completing this exercise, be sure to thank Mother Earth and the universe for their help. 
If you are interested in joining an open meditation circle that focuses on cleansing and activating the chakras as well as offering semi-guided journeys, exploring the use of reciting chants and mantras, and increasing your overall spiritual awareness and connectiveness with the Universe, then Monday Night Meditations at The Goddess House could be the circle for you.  Held most Monday evenings (except public holidays) in Parafield Gardens, Adelaide.

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