
Sunday, March 15, 2015

See me at the Seven Sisters Festival (27-29 March)

Neolithic Snake Goddess
At the end of this month I have the great honour of being at the Seven Sisters Festival that will be held at Mt Martha, Victoria from Friday, 27 to Sunday, 29 March 2015.  This three day festival specifically gathers for the modern woman of the 21st century who balances technology and careers with health and spirituality.  As such, I am delighted to be presenting an introduction workshop on Goddess spirituality - in fact on who actually the Goddess is.
For the emerging woman the word "Goddess" can present a wide array of interpretations from an ancient creatrix who was worshipped during some distant time through to meaning "feminine energy" and the space that all women hold - we are all "Goddesses".  In my talk I will be focusing on the first interpretation - Goddess as an ancient creatrix whose stories of creation can still be found and whose sacred temples still remind us today that She once held the key to the universe.

Om Mani Padme Hum mantra meaning

The use of mantras often forms a common part of the meditation circle that occurs at The Goddess House and one of the more popular mantras is the OM MANI PADNE HUM mantra which means "the jewel is in the lotus" or even "praise to the jewel in the lotus".

The following is a transcription of a lecture given by His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th (and current) Dalai Lama of Tibet, at the Kalmuck Mongolian Buddhist Centre, New Jersey, explaining that this sacred mantra actually means.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Chakra Clearing exercise

Looking after our spiritual bodies is just as important as looking after our physical bodies.  In this article by Madisyn Taylor from Daily Om, she looks at ways of how to cleanse our energy centres, the chakras, in order to gain clarity of the soul.
Just as the spaces we inhabit need to be cleared of clutter,
our energetic fields must also be cleared of the old.
Just as the physical spaces we inhabit require that we clear them periodically of clutter, the energetic fields that are a vital part of our being must also be cleared of old thoughts, energy, and emotions. Clearing your chakras and your aura restores and strengthens your connection to yourself and your divine inner wisdom. Unfettered by energetic baggage masquerading as fear, pain, and self-hatred, your consciousness is once again free to grow.  If you find the thought of clearing your energy fields disconcerting, simply think of it as cleansing the energy that surrounds you and releasing any stagnancy. You may not be able to see the results of your efforts, but you will experience a lightness of being and clarity of mind.