
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hymn to the Divine Mother

Here in Australia is it the day that we honour our Mothers Day.  As such, I thought I would share the following poem entitled "Hymn to the Divine Mother" (author is unknown):

Hymn to the Divine Mother

O thou the giver of all blessings,
O thou the doer of all good,
O thou the fulfiller of all desires,
O thou the giver of refuge -
Our salutations to thee, O Mother Divine.

O thou Eternal Mother,
Thou hast the power to create, to preserve, and to dissolve.
Thou the dwelling place and embodiment of the three gunas**
Our salutations to thee, O Mother Divine.

O thou the saviour of all who take refuge in thee,
The lowly and the distressed -
O Mother Divine, we salute thee,
Who takest away the sufferings of all.

**The three gunas within the teachings of Hindism are the three primary forces of creation being Sattva (consciousness/beingness), Rajas (energy/activity) and Tamas (matter/inertia).

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