
Friday, July 20, 2012

A Morning Prayer for Freya

Freya is the Norse Goddess of Love and Beauty, as well as fertility, war, and wealth. The daughter of Njord, and sister of Frey, Freya lived in Folkvang (battlefield) where each day, she chose half of the slain warriors (with the other half going with Odin).

Norse legend tells of Freya, whose chariot was pulled by two black cats. Some versions of the tale claim they became swift black horses, possessed by the Devil. After serving Freya for seven years, the cats were rewarded by being turned into witches, disguised as black cats. The cats also played around her ankles as a symbol of her domesticity.

Freya owned the precious Brisinga-men's necklace, which she acquired by sleeping with four dwarves. She also owned a feather coat which she could use to fly between the worlds. Freya was also known as the goddess of magic and divination.

The following is a morning prayer for Freya by Kira R

(light a candle)

Freya, Goddess of gold, inspire me today.
Teach me to walk through my day
with pride in my own being,
with confidence, with power.
Goddess of fiery passion,
bless me with the insight
to the marrow of my bones
that I am a person of worth
in the eyes of the Gods
the eyes of the ancestors
and of myself.
May I radiate this
and transforms all I meet.
That is my prayer for this day, oh great and powerful Goddess,
that I may mirror Your presence throughout my day.
In return, I shall praise You always,
and lay amber before Your image,
consigning it to the sacred fires that burn
when the day is at its longest.
Hail Freya, shining Goddess of gold.
I praise You.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely poem. I like that it brings strength to the person praying.
