
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hekate - The Goddess of the Crossroads

For the third year, The Goddess House, together with the Temple of the Dark Moon, hosted a Hekate's Supper on 13 August, a day auspicious to Hekate herself, in particular as Hekate Soteira ("saviour").

Oftern considered to be a Crone Goddess who is associated with the Underworld, death and destruction, it is refreshing that through the work of modern researchers, in particular Sorita d'Este and David Rankine of Avalonia Publishing, that this "Crone" perception is being dismissed. 

As d'Este has indicated in various online blogs and discussion groups, the majority of historial references to Hekate have largerly indicted that she was in fact perceived as a Maiden Goddess, and that the "Crone" association is actually a modern one, possibly due to her connection with the Underworld I would personally guess.

Whatever the reasoning and how people perceive this multi-faceted Goddess, on the 13 August we held a Supper ritual in her honour whereby 12 people gathered to honour various aspects of the Mistress of the triple realms and took a journey with her.

We honoured Hekate Crataris, the Mighty One; Kleidouchos, the key bearer; Trikephalus, the triple headed one; Chthonia, Mistress of the Underworld; as well as Prytania, Trimorphos, Enodia and Trioditis amongst others.

Affter our journey with Hekate and her various aspects, the many offerings were placed upon the outside offering table and we continued the celebration with a Greek inspired feast as the brazier burned away the early Spring chill.

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