
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Charge of the Autumn Goddess

I am the Waning Moon, the Goddess who is fading from the land.
In the Springtime I sought my Lord and mated with him beneath the trees and stars.
At Bealtaine I wed my Lord beneath the first blossoms of the hawthorn tree.
And in the Summertime I ripened the apples in the orchards and the fruit grew round and strong like the seed within my womb.
At the corn harvest I cut down my Lord, that by his death our people might be fed.
And now in the Autumn time I descend beneath the Earth
To dwell with my Lord in his dark kingdom until our child is born.
At the Winter Solstice I will bring forth the child and renew your hope
and at Imbolg I myself will return to renew the land.

I leave you, but I return to you ....

Source: "Wicca: Old Religion for a New Age" by Vivianne Crowley

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