
Saturday, July 8, 2017

Full Moon Meditation and Healing Circles

Once the energies of this current full moon have subsided, Full Moon Meditation and Healing circles will be held at Port Adelaide commencing from August with a lunar eclipse and the moon being in Aquarius. 

The energy of the full moon tends to make us purge and release things from our lives.  Therefore it is important that we make sure that we are in control of what we are releasing due to the heightened emotions also experienced around the time of the full moon, otherwise we may regret our decision.  Often the full moon is a time when we reap what we sowed at the new moon, for good or for ill. As such we need to be mindful of what we bring into our own lives.

If you are interested in attending, bookings are essential as there are limited places available. Secure bookings can be made Paypal.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Exploring the Archangels of Kabbalah

The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is the map of the life journey that each soul has to go through in the incarnational experience in order to reach an enlightened state of consciousness.  It is a very important symbol of creation which encompasses the entire meaning of the universe.

The Kabbalistic teachings state that the origin of the universe and the world began by God’s creation of the ten sefirot, or emanations, enumerations or characteristics of God.

Everything begins with Kether, the Crown, and moves down the Tree to reach Malkuth, the Kingdom.  Each sphere (sephira) corresponds to a Divine name and the unfolding of the Tree of Life illustrates the ways God has designed energy to flow into creation.  The Archangels that are related to each of these spheres express that energy throughout the universe and play a specific role in mediating the divine influence via the celestial bodies, the planets and the stars.