
About The Goddess House

The Goddess House, Parafield Gardens

The Goddess House is a physical sacred space dedicated to allowing people to gather and experience the Mystery of Life and to explore the magic which surrounds and inhabits us.
Located in Parafield Gardens (about 20 minutes north of Adelaide's CBD) the original behind The Goddess House was conceived in the mid 1990s by Frances, the founding and "Priestess in Residence".  She desired to be able to create a space where the Divine Feminine, the Goddess could be acknowledged and honoured within our modern society, a place where those seeking to bring back the balance of the feminine energy into their lives could gather, and from which gathering a sense of community could be created that offered safe and nurturing environment. 
An Egyptian Altar erected at The Goddess House
In 2007 The Goddess House first opened its doors, offering a sacred space where devotional services to the Goddess were conducted on a regular basis.  These devotional services continued until 2012 when a change was made to include men in services which subsequently also acknowledged the Divine Masculine and Beloved of the Goddess - bestowing a much needed balance. 

During 2013 the holding of monthly services ceased as Frances focused on writing her second book, In Her Sacred Names: Writings on the Divine Feminine, which was to be her first about the Great Goddess, the Sacred She. This book was published in 2014 together with the second edition of her first book, Dancing the Sacred Wheel: A Journey through the Southern Sabbats.  Frances has since completed her third book, An Anthology Exploring the Divine Masculine within Modern Paganism, with all three books also available in ebook format through affiliated stores, and is now currently working on her fourth book, which will be her second about the Goddess.

Glastonbury Goddess Temple
In 2013, Frances was fortunate to visit a number of sacred sites throughout England, Ireland and Scotland, including the Glastonbury Goddess Temple, Emain Macha (the fort of the Irish Goddess Macha) at Navan and Cain T at Loughcrew in Ireland, and Callanish on the Isle of Lewis, Scotland.  During her visit to Glastonbury Frances facilitated a ceremony in the beautiful Chalice Well Gardens.  She also led a full moon meditation at another ancient site in Cornwall.

Incorporating various metaphysical philosophies that centre around the continual evolution of the soul, from 2014 services at The Goddess House included mantra chanting in order to aid in establishing a deeper connection with the Goddess, as well as the ongoing practice of meditation.  Devotional altars were still being serviced, as well as healing circles.  This format continued into 2015 until Frances had to take a sabbatical due to health reasons.

Devotional Altar at The Goddess House
The Goddess works in mysterious ways and there is always work for her priestesses to undertake.  While taking time to focus on her own health, as a priestess of the Egyptian Goddess As't (Isis), the ongoing work of the Goddess is never far from Frances's mind. 
2016 will see The Goddess House potentially establishing itself as a venue at which a variety of spiritual events will be offered to the community, that is, being open to both men and women.
Open meditation circles on Monday evening have resumed again and can be attended on a casual basis.  The ever popular Encountering the Dark Goddess workshop will take place in July, along with an assortment of mini workshops.  August will see the commencement of an open Gathering around the Cauldron which will focus on exploring the realms of magic and ritual, as well as possibly the honouring of earth-centric holy days.
Expressions of interest are also being taken for Sister Circles, which will be gatherings for women who would like to learn more about Goddess through the ancient myths, as well as how to (re)establish a connection through the undertaking of ceremonies throughout their lives.  If you reside in the northern suburbs of Adelaide and would be interested in participating in Sister Circles, please email Frances with your interest.

More information about Frances, the Priestess in Residence of The Goddess House can be found here.

For more information about The Goddess House, or if you would like Frances to bring a workshop to you, please contact contact her.


Are you not sacred enough to allow yourself some "YOU" time each month


The Goddess House is not connected or affiliated with any Goddess teaching school or women's spirituality organisation that charges for membership or asserts that only those who have undertaken a particular "training programme" have the right to share knowledge about the Goddess.   The Goddess House is purely based around the personal research and experience that Frances has undertaken since the 1990s.