
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Circles of Sisterhood finally happening

Supporting – Encouraging - Empowering
circle sisters4:: Within a circle, we are all equal.
:: Within a circle, we are all honoured.
:: Within a circle, we will create a sacred space where we can listen and be heard, share and learn, encourage others and be empowered ourselves.
:: Within a circle, we will honour the Sacred Feminine the resides around us as well as within us as we ebb and flow with the forces of life.
It has long been a sacred tradition for women to gather around the new moon where they would share wisdom, support each other, and connect to the sacred wisdom that is found within aligning with the ebb and flow of the moon and nature. Within the creation of such a sacred space, we (re)learn the arts of healing, divination, self-nurturing and trust as well as remembering and honouring the wise women who have gone before us for we are all manifestations of the Divine Feminine, the Goddess, the Sacred She.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Spiral of the Wise Woman

The following are an assortment of quotes taken from Healing Wise (Wise Woman Herbal Series) by Susun S Weed:

"I begin at the center, says the wise woman seer."

"I come from the chaos and the completeness at the centre of the spiral."

"In the natural flow of my expansion and enrichment, I encounter pain; I lose control; I die."

"In the natural flow of my curiosity and play, I discover joy and wisdom.  I am born."